Saturday, January 5, 2013

World Hunger

All of us have been touched by the pictures on TV of children that are dying from starvation. We would all like to do something about it but after all, what can ONE person do? There is no denying we have a serious problem and many relief organizations are striving to meet the need but literally thousands die each day.
I don’t believe that this problem will be solved by airing ads pleading for financial help from individuals. As noble as these efforts are, I think the answer is much broader. Our churches have enough resources that we could eliminate hunger in a very short time. But we cannot get past our difference. We do not trust one another. We ignore multitudes of Scriptures that command us to care for the poor.  Matthew 25:35 ; Mark 8:2 It is time that the churches become the true church and respond to the cries of the needy. After all is that not what Jesus would do?

Another factor to the problem of world hunger is some countries have the wrong theology. In India, hundreds of thousands of people believe in incarnation. They believe that depending on the life you now live, after death each living creature returns to earth in some different form. A person who has led a despicable life may die and return as a rat. Therefore, they will not kill a rat because it maybe some relative!

It is a fact that rats in India eats tons of grain each year, grain that could be used to feed the starving masses.  But because they have a wrong belief system, thousands die each year! Someone has said that India has the potential and resources to feed the entire world! (A fact that I cannot verify.) But the truth is India could at least solve their country’s hunger problem.

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